Rachel’s Story

Rachel came to us wanting to get back in shape after lockdown and start running again. She’s dropped 20kg and gone from barely running 300m to 3x5km runs a week.

Rachel is CEO of her company PortalSolve and is used to getting things done, but when it came to her health and fitness she felt stuck. Here’s Rachel’s story.

When I started working with Unstoppabl I was horrifically unfit

I decided I needed some help and advice in my weight loss and fitness journey. During lockdown I made more than a few bad choices with my diet which led to gradual weight gain and a decrease in my fitness.

It was getting to the point where I was unhappy with the image I was seeing in the mirror

It was the heaviest I've ever been, and it wasn't me that I was looking at in the mirror anymore. This was leading to a ‘little’ bit of grumpiness, which was having a knock-on effect in other areas of my life. I just needed that kick-start to help me get on the path to returning to a me that I recognised.

I’ve dropped 20 kilos, but that’s not all…

I've noticed some huge differences in myself physically. My mood and demeanour have improved dramatically too. In the short time I’ve been working with Unstoppabl I’ve lost 20 kilos and the journey is still ongoing. From where I started, to where I am now seems like a huge amount. If someone had told me back then I had 20 kilos to lose I wouldn’t have believed them.

Rachel Howlett weight loss journey

It’s not a journey I could have made on my own

It’s been challenging at points, but never to the point I didn’t think I could keep going. It’s not been an overnight success either. If it was easy everyone would be doing it. It’s not a journey I could have made on my own. Having the support of Nick & Ryan and all the tools they provide on the programme has been invaluable.

Having the Unstoppabl app means everything is in one place. It’s easy to move my workouts around to fit in to my schedule and the programmes are easy to follow with videos and descriptions of each exercise. I can also message at any time, and if there’s an exercise I am unsure of, I can video it and get a quick response.

There were no bad foods that were off the menu

The other thing that made the programme work for me was the flexibility that was brought into the programme when I needed it. I had booked a skiing holiday and the guys explained it was absolutely fine that I would be eating some pizza and having a beer. No foods were off the menu.

It’s easy to know what to do. It’s harder to do it

This was more than a weight loss exercise for me, it was about changing my mindset.

I have adopted new, better habits which are maintainable and sustainable going forward. Whether that’s regular reminders to drink enough water or being mindful that I’m including enough fruit and veg in my diet. All of these things sound simple but how many people actually do them on a day-to-day basis. It’s easy to know what to do. It’s harder to do it.

Having Nick & Ryan there on occasions to keep me on track was absolutely invaluable, as well as the support and guidance in the app.

I was also able to workout from home, which made it much easier to fit things in around my business and everyday life.

Nick and Ryan have been there every step of the way

They’ve been there every step of the way offering congratulations and celebrating every win and milestone. They’ve also been there to deliver a slight shove in the right direction when things started to slack a little bit.

It's easy to make excuses why things can’t be done but they’re always there to remind you why things should be done.

Next steps for me

I’m going to carry on with the habits I’ve learned whilst working with Unstoppabl. Like factoring my workouts in to my weekly schedule. Setting time aside for my workouts and runs not only keeps me fit, its also given me some headspace away from the desk. When I’m out for a run I think about things in a different way and have ideas I wouldn’t normally have sat at a desk.

It’s easy to make excuses

If you’re sat on the fence about needing a coach, or working with Unstoppabl, think about what you’ve tried so far to reach your fitness goals and how successful you have been. I know my goals were always the same distance away after trying everything.

Rachel’s transformation started with booking a call with us, just to see if we could help. You can do the same by clicking on the Book a call button below. We’re looking forward to speaking to you.