How Rachel became Unstoppabl

How Rachel became Unstoppabl

Rachel's Journey from Size 16 to a Size 8 and Discovering Her Passion for Running

Rachel is a successful Director at a prominent accountancy firm. However, before starting her health and fitness journey with Unstoppabl, her physical health was troubling her. A particular moment of struggle struck her on a sunny day during the 2020 lockdown. She found herself breathless and uncomfortable after a short walk up the hill to her home. It was at this point she realised she needed to take a step towards investing in her health and wellness.

I’d had a Fitbit for six years and could see the graph that just goes up and down where you lose weight and you gain it again. It’s painful going through it everytime.

Discovering Unstoppabl: An Investment in Health

After an initial weight loss attempt on her own, Rachel had some success. However, when work resumed post-lockdown, she found maintaining her progress increasingly challenging. At that point, Rachel realised she needed support and accountability. That lead her to explore the potential of a health and fitness coach. As luck would have it, Rachel came across Unstoppabl at a local networking event. Unstoppabl’s friendly and approachable coaches appealed to her, breaking down the intimidation she previously felt about people who work in the fitness industry.

They come into every coaching call with such energy and just absolute joy when you start hitting your goals and exceeding them. It just makes you feel so good.

Embracing the Unstoppabl Lifestyle: A Story of Transformation and a Love for Running

With Unstoppabl's support, Rachel began her transformative journey towards better health and fitness. The convenience of working out from home, coupled with the weekly discussions she had with her coach, kept her engaged and focused. Rachel appreciated the genuine enthusiasm from her coach and their celebration for her progress. Their encouragement played a pivotal role in Rachel’s shift from a size 16 to a size 6. But her achievements didn’t stop there.

I finished Lincoln 10k. Hoped for 53 minutes and completed it in 51.36. Came in at 16th out of 177 in my category, so very happy with that after only 7 months of running.

Rachel discovered an unexpected passion for running. With Unstoppabl's guidance, she gradually improved her endurance and speed, eventually running an impressive 23-minute 5km. This progress culminated in her participation in the Lincoln 10k, where she proudly finished 17th in her age class with a time of 51:36 which places her in the top 10 of competitive female athlete runners in the UK for her age group according to Powerof10.

The Unstoppabl Effect: Permanent Change and Long-Term Investment

Rachel's journey with Unstoppabl has not only been about weight loss but has also instilled in her a deep understanding of the importance of investing in one's health. Her transformation was evident to those around her, with colleagues noting her visible fitness and vitality. Rachel’s story highlights the power of sustainable, long-term investment in your health and fitness.

I saw my sister at Christmas and I hadn’t seen her since I started working with Unstoppabl. I walked through the door and she said wow that was quite an investment in yourself.

Investing in Your Health with Unstoppabl: Rachel's Recommendations

Rachel would highly recommend Unstoppabl coaching to anyone feeling stuck in their health and fitness journey. With the support of Unstoppabl, she realised that it wasn't just about losing weight, but rather about gaining health, fitness, and a new found love for running. To her, Unstoppabl wasn't just a coach but a catalyst for a permanent, transformational change that she now views as an investment in her future.

The Unstoppabl Future: Looking Ahead

Rachel's goals have evolved beyond weight loss. Now, she is focused on maintaining her fitness levels and improving her running performance. With a full series of 5k and 10k races already booked, she is excited to continue her fitness journey with Unstoppabl, exploring the incredible potential of her health and physical capabilities.

Rachel's story embodies the true essence of Unstoppabl: a commitment to health, the discovery of a passion for running, and a testament to the transformative power of investing in your health. It is a tale of strength, resilience, and how anyone can become Unstoppabl with the right support and guidance.

Rachel Barrett showing her transformation from size 16 to size 6

Rachel tells her story

Rachel wanted to share her extraordinary journey to prioritise her health and fitness with Unstoppabl and how she she overcame the universal challenge of maintaining a balance between personal health and professional demands. This video details her personal experiences, highlighting the influence of Unstoppabl in her achievement of improving her physical fitness, boosting her confidence and, most notably, developing a newfound love for running that led to her recent commendable performance in the Lincoln 10k run.

Are you ready to start your Unstoppabl journey?

If Rachel’s story has inspired you and you’d like to talk to us about how we can help, it’s easy. You can schedule a call to talk to an Unstoppabl coach about your goals and what you want to achieve. They’ll explain how we can help, and if you’re ready, we can help you achieve results like Rachel’s.