How Ady became Unstoppabl

How Ady became Unstoppabl

Ady’s journey from…

Ady Newberry is an internationally acclaimed, award-winning, ex-military marksman, and successful owner of three companies. But when it came to his health and fitness, he was feeling lost and on the brink of exhaustion.

When you’re overseas, send a picture to your daughter, and she says dad you look half dead, you know you have to do something about it.

Ady was desperately seeking a solution to the numerous challenges that were consuming his life. Little did he know that an encounter with Unstoppabl would prove to be the turning point he had been yearning for. Before discovering Unstoppabl, Ady was caught in a whirlwind of stress, poor health, and self-doubt.

Running a business while constantly travelling across different time zones had taken its toll on him. He was burning the candle at both ends, neglecting his nutrition and rest, and gradually losing sight of his own well-being.

The frustration he experienced trying to solve these problems had become overwhelming. He felt trapped in a cycle of exhaustion, battling chronic back pain, and lacking the confidence he once had. He knew he needed to change, but finding the right guidance seemed like an insurmountable challenge.

I was just so busy with everyday life and running my business. I didn’t even have time to put pen to paper and work out how I was going to fix this - How am I going to do this? What gym am I going to join? What do I need to eat?

The Unstoppabl difference

Then came Unstoppabl, with its unique approach to transforming not only his physical health, but also his mindset. From the very beginning Ady’s coach stood out as genuine, approachable, and committed to his success. Unlike previous companies Ady had worked with, Unstoppabl didn't sugar-coat the truth or provide unrealistic solutions.

The moment of realisation

The pivotal moment in Ady’s journey was when he compared a picture of what he used to look like, to what he now saw looking back at him the mirror.

It was then that Ady truly grasped the remarkable impact Unstoppabl had made to his life. His transformation was undeniable. The changes he saw in his appearance, his energy levels, and overall well-being were awe-inspiring. Unstoppabl was not only solving his health and fitness challenges, they were helping him surpass his own expectations.

I used to be self conscious about how I looked. That’s all changed now.

Equipped for excellence: Ady’s personal and business life have transformed

Today, with Unstoppabl at his side, Ady continues his life’s transformation. At the time of writing, he’s now shed over 2 stone (12.7 kilos), turned back his metabolic age by 5 years, and rediscovered his strength and confidence.

He’s bought a whole new wardrobe, as his old clothes no longer fit. He’s achieved a level of fitness he never thought was possible. Gone are the days of mindlessly grabbing unhealthy food on the go. Instead, he’s embraced a new way of eating that nourishes his body and fuels his success.

Beyond the physical changes, Unstoppabl has shown Ady the value of self-care and the importance of restful sleep. With his newfound knowledge, Ady is equipped to excel not only in his personal life, but also in his business endeavours too.

If anybody was on the fence about whether or not to work with Unstoppabl, I’d get my phone out and say, that’s how I used to look. This is how I look now.

What’s next for Ady?

Ady’s passion is competitive shooting, a sport he’s been involved in for over a decade.

He’s won four British championships to date and after three years of competing in overseas competitions and world championships, Ady has decided to make a comeback to the British Championships.

This is going to be his year - determined to reclaim his success. Ady is heading to the championships with a completely different game plan. He’s lost over 2 stone, gained strength, and regained his confidence…

And he’s looking forward to giving it his all to get his title back.

This year I am going back to the British Championships with a completely different gameplan. I feel ready.

Ady tells his story

Hear from the man himself, Ady tells his story of how he lost 2 stone, regained his strength, confidence, and has become Unstoppabl.

Are you ready to become Unstoppabl?

Ady’s journey with Unstoppabl has been nothing short of incredible. We are grateful to be able to offer Ady the unwavering support, expertise, and no-nonsense coaching he needs.

With professional coaches dedicated to transforming his life, Ady has built a version of himself he didn’t think was possible..

If you’re on the fence, wondering whether to start on a similar journey let us reassure you—Unstoppabl is the solution you've been searching for.

Don't wait any longer. Take that first step toward an extraordinary transformation and discover a life filled with vitality, confidence, and success.

If Ady’s story has inspired you, and you’d like to see how an Unstoppabl coach can help you, you can schedule a call and talk to an Unstoppabl coach about your goals and what you want to achieve. We’ll explain how we can help.