Hydrogen Water vs Alkaline Water Which Is Better?

Hydrogen Water vs Alkaline Water Which Is Better?

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    Looking to enhance your hydration experience?

    The debate between Hydrogen Water and Alkaline Water takes center stage…

    But which is better?

    It depends on your health goals.

    Hydrogen water is great for its antioxidant benefits and reducing oxidative stress.

    Alkaline water is preferred for neutralizing body acidity and promoting wellness.

    The best option varies based on individual health needs and preferences.

    What Is Hydrogen Water?

    Hydrogen water is simply water that has extra hydrogen gas dissolved into it.

    This doesn't change the water's appearance or taste significantly.

    The idea is that adding molecular hydrogen to water increases its antioxidant properties.

    These antioxidants are thought to combat oxidative stress in the body, which is linked to various chronic diseases.

    What Is Alkaline Water?

    Alkaline water has a higher pH level than regular drinking water.

    This means it is less acidic, with a pH typically between 8 and 9, compared to the neutral pH of 7 for standard water.

    By neutralizing acid in the body, alkaline water can prevent disease and improve overall health.

    Some alkaline waters also contain minerals and negative oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), which contributes to its antioxidant effects.

    Key Differences Between Hydrogen Water and Alkaline Water

    Composition and Chemical Properties

    • Hydrogen water is characterized by an increased hydrogen content, without significantly altering the pH level.

    • Alkaline water's defining feature is its higher pH level, which can be naturally occurring or artificially created.

    The presence of dissolved minerals is more common in alkaline water.

    Antioxidant Properties and Health Implications

    • Hydrogen water provides antioxidant benefits through molecular hydrogen. This reduces harmful free radicals. (1)

    • Alkaline water's antioxidant properties come from its negative Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP).

    Both types of water aim to reduce oxidative stress, but they do so through different mechanisms.

    pH Levels and Their Impact

    The pH level of hydrogen water is close to neutral. This makes it similar to regular water in this aspect.

    Alkaline water's higher pH has neutralizing effects on the body's acidity.

    Our bodies regulate pH balance, and the impact of consuming higher pH water is still a subject of scientific debate.

    How Each Type of Water Is Created

    Hydrogen Water Production Techniques

    Hydrogen water is typically produced using an electrolysis process.

    Water is electrically split into hydrogen and oxygen, and then hydrogen is dissolved back into the water.

    Some methods involve reacting magnesium with water to produce hydrogen gas.

    Portable hydrogen water bottles and machines for home use are available for those looking to increase their intake.

    Here are a few articles worth checking out…

    Alkaline Water Production: Natural vs. Ionized

    Alkaline water can be found naturally in some spring waters, where it acquires minerals from rocks.

    It can be produced by a water ionizer too.

    An Ionizer uses electrolysis to separate water into acidic and alkaline streams.

    The alkaline stream is collected, and its pH is adjusted to the desired level.

    Benefits of Hydrogen Water vs. Alkaline Water

    • Hydrogen water can reduce inflammation, improve athletic performance, and even slow aging due to its antioxidant properties.

    • Alkaline water can help weight loss, detoxify the body, improve skin health, and prevent chronic diseases like cancer.

    Both types of water offer hydration in addition to their unique benefits, but scientific evidence varies in terms of the extent of these health claims.

    Check out our blog that goes through all the benefits of drinking hydrogen water.

    Which Water Is Better for What Purpose?

    Fitness and Athletic Performance

    If you’re someone who works out regularly, hydrogen water will be more beneficial.

    This is because it can improve your recovery times and decrease muscle fatigue.

    General Health and Wellness

    If you want to be fitter and healthier hydrogen and alkaline water can be good choices.

    Your preference will depend on your taste and how your body responds to each.

    Conclusion: Which is better alkaline or hydrogen water?

    It depends on your personal health goals and preferences.

    Hydrogen water is known for its antioxidant properties and reducing oxidative stress.

    This makes it appealing if you’re focused on anti-aging and improving your recovery between workouts.

    Alkaline water is favored by those looking to neutralize acidity in their body and improve overall wellness.

    Both types of water offer unique benefits.

    The best choice is the one that aligns with your specific health needs and tastes.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is alkaline water better than hydrogen water?

    When considering whether alkaline water is better than hydrogen water…

    It depends on your health goals.

    Alkaline water is known for its higher pH level, which helps neutralize body acidity.

    Hydrogen water is prized for its antioxidant properties offering benefits like reduced inflammation.

    Each has advantages.

    The better option varies based on individual needs and preferences.

    What water is better than alkaline water?

    Determining what water is better than alkaline water depends on your health goals.

    For those focused on antioxidant intake and reducing oxidative stress, hydrogen water might be considered superior.

    For people concerned with neutralizing acidity in their bodies, alkaline water remains a preferred choice.

    The best water meets your hydration needs while aligning with your wellness goals.

    What is the pH level of hydrogen water?

    The pH level of hydrogen water typically remains close to neutral, around 7 to 7.5.

    Hydrogen water's primary feature is not its pH level but the added molecular hydrogen.

    Hydrogen water’s pH level is similar to that of regular drinking water.

    Is hydrogen water the same as Kangen water?

    Hydrogen water is not the same as Kangen water.

    Kangen water is a brand of alkaline water produced by a specific type of water ionizer.

    It emphasizes its alkaline pH level and antioxidant properties.

    Hydrogen water adds molecular hydrogen into the water without altering the pH level.

    Is hydrogen alkaline or acidic?

    Hydrogen water does not make the water alkaline or acidic.

    It maintains a neutral pH level.

    The presence of more hydrogen does not significantly change the water's pH.

    Does alkaline water have more hydrogen?

    Alkaline water does not necessarily have more hydrogen in the form of molecular hydrogen.

    The distinction of alkaline water is its higher pH level, not its molecular hydrogen content.

    Some alkaline waters contain minerals that contribute to health benefits.

    The concentration of dissolved hydrogen gas is not higher than regular water unless specifically infused.


    1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10967432/

    Ryan Snell

    Co-founder of Unstoppabl, and industry-renowned certified coach with a degree in Sport and Exercise Science leverages over five years of experience to deliver complete well-being solutions, encompassing exercise programming, sleep, menopause, menstrual cycle management, injury rehab, mindset coaching, and nutritional guidance.

    With an impressive record of fostering physical and mental transformations in hundreds of clients during his tenure at Unstoppabl, and a sought-after public speaker on these subjects, his insights have been featured on numerous platforms, attesting to his profound expertise.



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