How Long Should You Stay in a Sauna?

How Long Should You Stay in a Sauna?

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    How long you should stay in a sauna to maximize its benefits?

    For most, it’s recommended 10-20 minutes.

    And If you’re a beginner 5-10 minutes at a time while you build yourself into it.

    If you are new to the Sauna and you’re looking to get the most out of your experience, read more below.

    1. Different Types of Saunas

    Traditional saunas, with their dry heat, operate at higher temperatures, typically between 150°F and 195°F.

    This intense heat often shortens the recommended stay.

    On the flip side, infrared saunas emit radiant heat that penetrates deeper into the skin at a lower, more bearable temperature. This allows for longer sessions.

    Steam saunas offer a different experience.

    The moisture in the air can make it feel hotter than it is. This influences how long you can comfortably stay inside.

    2. Determining Your Sauna Goals

    What do you want to achieve with the sauna?

    Are you looking to detoxify your body? Or is your primary aim to relax and unwind?

    Your goals heavily influence the length of your sauna sessions.

    For detoxification, slightly longer sessions might be beneficial, allowing your body to sweat out toxins effectively.

    However, if relaxation is your goal…

    Shorter, more frequent sessions might suit you better.

    3. Preparing for a Sauna Session

    Hydration is a must for a safe and beneficial sauna experience.

    Drink plenty of water before entering the sauna to prevent dehydration.

    Aim for at least 500ml of water in the hour leading up to your session.

    Electrolyte-infused water or coconut water can be excellent choices, as they help replenish minerals lost through sweating.

    Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as these dehydrate you further.

    Related article: What to Wear in a Sauna for Comfort and Safety.

    4. Listening to Your Body

    You will know when it’s time to get out.

    Pay close attention to any signs of dizziness, excessive sweating beyond what feels normal for you, or just general discomfort.

    These are clear indicators that your body has had enough.

    The goal of a sauna session is to feel rejuvenated, not exhausted or unwell.

    Listen to your body.

    Related article: Exploring the Skin Benefits of Regular Sauna Use.

    5. Starting with Short Sessions

    If you're new to sauna sessions or returning after a break, start with shorter durations.

    A 5-10 minute session is a good benchmark.

    As your body becomes more accustomed to the heat, you can gradually increase the time.

    This approach helps you avoid overexposure and allows your body to adjust naturally to the heat.

    Related article: How Saunas Can Help You Burn Calories

    6. Maximizing Sauna Benefits

    Cooling down properly after a sauna session is just as important as the session itself.

    A cold shower or a plunge can help close your pores and refresh your body.

    This sudden change in temperature stimulates circulation, enhancing the detoxification process and making you feel invigorated.

    Allow your body to cool down gradually, and hydrate well post-session to replenish any lost fluids.

    Related article: Cooling down properly after a sauna session is just as important as the session itself.

    7. Scheduling Sauna Time

    Being consistent is key.

    Depending on your goals and how your body responds, you might find that two to four sessions per week are ideal. (1)

    Listen to your body and adjust your schedule as needed.

    Regular sauna sessions can become a cornerstone of your wellness routine, offering both physical and mental health benefits.

    Related article: Ensuring Safety: Are Infrared Saunas Safe for Everyone?

    8. Heeding Health Warnings

    Saunas are not suitable for everyone.

    If you're pregnant, have heart conditions, or suffer from low blood pressure, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider before starting sauna sessions. (2)

    Your health and safety should always come first.

    Be mindful of any medical advice and adjust your sauna usage accordingly.

    9. Incorporating Sauna Sessions into a Wellness Routine

    Pairing sauna sessions with activities like yoga or meditation can enhance your relaxation and detoxification process.

    Integrating sauna time into your routine can help create a holistic approach to wellness, balancing physical health with mental tranquility.


    Finding the ideal sauna session length is a personal journey that depends on your health, goals, and how your body responds to heat.

    Start with short sessions, listen to your body's signals, and hydrate well to maximize the benefits.

    Remember, regularity and consistency in your sauna routine can significantly enhance your overall wellness.

    Embrace the warmth, and let the sauna work its magic on your body and mind.

    Sun Home Equinox™ 2-Person Full-Spectrum Infrared Sauna
    • Voted Best Infrared Saunas of 2023 by Sports Illustrated, Rolling Stone, and New York Post
    • Features advanced full-spectrum heating system providing near, mid, and far infrared wavelengths
    • Equipped with high-output heaters and supplemental Halogen heaters for faster heating
    • Incorporates EMF/ELF blocking technology for safety; heater panels measure only 0.5 mG
    • Utilizes Celliant textile technology in heater covers to convert body heat into infrared energy
    • Saunas reach up to 165F, facilitating deep and detoxifying sweats
    • Constructed with 100% solid wood, eco-friendly, non-toxic materials
    • Innovative Magne-Seal system for easy assembly without screws or nails
    • Includes medical-grade chromotherapy and premium Bluetooth surround sound speaker system
    • Digital control panel with climate setting adjustment, 24-hour timer, and reservation mode
    Ryan Snell

    Co-founder of Unstoppabl, and industry-renowned certified coach with a degree in Sport and Exercise Science leverages over five years of experience to deliver complete well-being solutions, encompassing exercise programming, sleep, menopause, menstrual cycle management, injury rehab, mindset coaching, and nutritional guidance.

    With an impressive record of fostering physical and mental transformations in hundreds of clients during his tenure at Unstoppabl, and a sought-after public speaker on these subjects, his insights have been featured on numerous platforms, attesting to his profound expertise.


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