How To Do The Dumbbell Supinated Curl For Bigger Biceps Faster
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The dumbbell supinated curl is hands down the best biceps exercise you can do. Biceps look great in a fitted t-shirt, and even better out of them.
Do you want to build bigger stronger better-looking biceps? If so, then you should be doing this exercise.
Note: If you want bigger arms, there are plenty of other exercises you can do. This article is about building bigger stronger BICEPS. Which is one particular muscle group in your arms. Arms are more than your biceps. Let’s continue…
I’m going to explain what the supinated curl is, a HUGE mistake most people make when trying to build bigger biceps and how you can avoid this, how to do this exercise, and alternatives that you can do in the gym or at home.
Let’s not beat around the bush and get right into it.
What is a supinated curl?
This exercise works the biceps muscles. You can do this exercise with dumbbells, a barbell, or a resistance band.
A supinated curl is where your palms are facing upward, and you flex your elbows toward your body. (1)
Side view of dumbbell supinated curl
Your biceps explained
The biceps muscles are also known as biceps brachii. There are two muscles in the biceps brachii - the short head and the long head. They both work together to pull the dumbbell towards your body.
Biceps brachii: long and short head
The long head of the bicep is more active in the early phase of a dumbbell supinated bicep curl. The short head of the bicep is more active in the latter part.
If you’re looking for big bulging peaks in your biceps, spend more time on the latter phase of the curl. (2)
The most common mistake people make when building their biceps
In your quest for bigger biceps muscles STOP doing hammer curls, reverse curls, pronated curls, or any other exercise with a neutral grip.
A neutral grip is where your palms are facing each other.
Neutral grip - palms facing each other
Why is a neutral grip a problem? They don’t activate your biceps muscles. They activate:
The muscle between your bicep and triceps - brachialis
The muscle that connects the upper arm to the forearm - brachioradialis
… not your biceps muscles!
So you will get bigger arm muscles, but not bigger biceps.
Forearm and bicep anatomy
If you truly want to build bigger stronger biceps, do supinated curls. Yes, this exercise is better for building your biceps than neutral and pronated curls.
How do you do dumbbell supinated curls?
So many people are getting the basics of this bicep curl messed up, and it’s no wonder when every single video on the internet is showing you how to do this exercise wrong!
Remember supination is where your palms are facing up. A supinated grip is the best grip for working and activating your biceps muscles.
Don’t do a ‘twist’ curl as you’ll see in some videos. All that is going to happen is:
You’ll activate the short head more than the long head, meaning you won’t get thicker fuller-looking arms (3)
You won’t be working your biceps through a full range of motion
You’ll have muscle imbalances in the biceps brachii
You’ll place too much stress on the short head which can increase your chances of injury
So grab a pair of dumbbells, and keep your back straight when you lift them up to avoid your chances of injury to your back.
With a dumbbell in each arm, carefully go into a supinated grip before you start the biceps curl
Place your feet roughly shoulder-width apart
Keep your back straight and look directly ahead (preferably in front of a mirror so you can be amused by your lifting face, and so you can see your form of course…)
Slowly flex your elbow, contract your biceps, and curl the weights towards the top of your shoulder keeping the dumbbells parallel to the floor throughout the whole movement. Pretend you’re holding a tray; this will help you to keep the dumbbells parallel to the floor
When you get to the top of the curl slowly lower the dumbbells back to the start position
Repeat this movement for your desired number of reps.
Front view of dumbbell supinated curl
Recommended sets, reps, and rest
The sets, reps, rest, and how often you train depends on, your goal, your fitness level and the time you have to train.
Depending on your goal, here are my recommendations for building bigger stronger biceps in the gym or at home
To get stronger and build strength
3 or more sets
1-6 reps
2 minutes rest (minimum)
Train the biceps 2-3 times a week
To build bigger biceps muscles
3 or more sets
6-20 reps
30 seconds – 90 seconds’ rest
Train the muscle 2-3 times a week
If you prefer, or only have access to a flat barbell the same technique applies.
Common mistakes people make when doing biceps curls
Rounding the back
This can place uneven stress on certain parts of your spine. This will lead to poor posture, muscle strains and other injuries, which can leave you out of action for a while. We don’t want that.
If you can look straight ahead into a mirror this will help to keep your back straight as well as keeping your chest up and your core muscles engaged. This will work your biceps muscles in the safest way possible.
Ego lifting
You’ve seen this person in the gym, and if you haven’t, you’ve heard him! You look over and he’s swinging the weights like a pendulum on steroids.
The main problem is lifting too heavy. You’ll use momentum to get the weight up, engaging your back and leg muscles - not your biceps.
You’re going to be more likely to injure your back and biceps doing this. You’re missing out on some serious biceps gains too.
The weight you lift doesn’t matter, getting bigger biceps muscles and looking good in a t-shirt does.
Dropping the arms down too fast
If you want bigger biceps faster, then don’t let your arms drop down too fast. Slowly lowering the dumbbells to the start position is the eccentric phase of the movement, you produce more force here.
What that means for you is bigger biceps faster. What that really means is you’ll look in the mirror, be amazed at the fast results you’re getting, other people in the gym will notice your results too, and your partner will absolutely love them sending your confidence sky high! So, spend a bit longer on this part of the movement.
Alternative exercises you can do
Whether you’re training in the gym or at home, there are alternatives to the supinated dumbbell bicep curl.
Here are a couple of alternatives you can try:
The supinated EZ bar curl (gym alternative)
The resistance band supinated curl (home alternative)
The supinated EZ bar curl
Want to train biceps but some dude’s cleaned out the rack and is using 8 sets of dumbbells? We hate this person too. No problem, you can do a supinated EZ bar curl.
The EZ bar is a multi-angled barbell. You can work both your biceps and your triceps with this bar.
I’ve found the EZ bar curl is easier on your wrists than dumbbells and flat barbells especially as you start to curl a heavier weight.
Bare in mind with this bar, your hands will only be in a semi-supinated because your palms won’t be fully up. Be aware this will not maximally activate your biceps muscles.
How do you do a supinated EZ bar curl?
Hold the EZ bar with a shoulder-width grip. This will keep your elbows to your sides helping to isolate the bicep muscles for more activation and muscle growth
Keep your back straight and look directly ahead (preferably in front of a mirror so you can be amused by your lifting face, and so you can see your form of course…)
Flex your elbows, contract your biceps, and curl the weights towards the top of your shoulder/collar bone
When you get to the top of the supinated EZ bar curl slowly lower the EZ bar back to the start position
Repeat this movement for your desired number of reps
Front view of supinated EZ bar curl
Resistance band supinated curl
No gym? No problem. This is perfect for people that are training at home. Do not underestimate the power of resistance bands.
Think of resistance bands like a constant game of tug of war on your biceps. They’re guaranteed to challenge them throughout the whole movement.
Result? You will build bigger more muscly biceps faster.
Resistance band supinated curl
I promise you resistance bands work. I used resistance bands throughout the whole of lockdown, I came back into the gym stronger, with bigger muscles, and having gotten rid of a niggling tendon injury.
A lot of my gym work is now resistance bands. Lost cost investment for a lot of gains.
Let me know in the comments below what your experience has been like with resistance bands and if you plan to invest in some.
How do you do a resistance band supinated curl?
Anchor your resistance band at the bottom of something stable like a door, or stick the band under your feet
Grab the band, take a small step forward, and place your hands in a supinated grip before you do a curl
Look straight ahead, keep your back straight and your core muscles engaged
Tuck your elbows in to isolate your biceps muscles even more, and keep your fist parallel to the floor as you curl the band
Go into elbow flexion, contract your bicep muscles until you reach the top of your shoulder or collar bone
Slowly lower to the bottom of the movement
Repeat this for your desired number of reps
To recap
The supinated curl is the best bicep exercise to build bigger stronger biceps muscles faster
A supinated grip is the best for maximally activating your biceps muscles
Alternatives if you’re training in the gym are – a supinated barbell curl or an EZ bar curl
An alternative if you’re training at home - is a resistance band supinated curl
Now that you’ve read this blog post, it’s time to let the gains begin, with the dumbbell supinated curl!